Suppose VV is finite-dimensional and T1,T2L(V,W)T_1,T_2 \in \mathcal L(V,W). Prove that range T1=range T2\text{range }T_1 = \text{range }T_2 if and only if there exists an invertible operator SL(V)S \in \mathcal L(V) such that T1=T2ST_1 = T_2S.

(In other words, find an isomorphism SS that reshuffles the inputs so T1=T2ST_1 = T_2S)

Suppose range T1=range T2\text{range }T_1 = \text{range }T_2.
Notice the nullspaces have the same dimension by 3.22 and the ranges being equal, meaning we can let u1,,unu_1,\dots,u_n be a basis for null T1\text{null }T_1 and u1,,unu_1',\dots,u_n' be a basis of null T2\text{null }T_2 (notice they're both of length nn).
Extend u1,,unu_1,\dots,u_n to a basis u1,,un,v1,,vru_1,\dots,u_n,v_1,\dots,v_r of VV.
Because the ranges are equal we can define v1,,vrv_1',\dots,v_r' such that T1vk=T2vkT_1v_k = T_2v_k'.
To see that u1,,un,v1,,vru_1',\dots,u_n',v_1',\dots,v_r' is a basis of VV we need only show it's independent, since it's the right length 2.39 will imply it's a basis. (Note this argument is similar to the proof of 3.22)

a1v1++arvr+c1u1++cnun=0    T1(a1v1++arvr)=0apply T2 and use T2vk=T1vk    a1v1++arvr=b1u1++bnunas a1v1++arvr null T1    ak=bk=0as u1,,un,v1,,vr is indep\begin{aligned} &a_1v_1' + \dots + a_rv_r' + c_1u_1' + \dots + c_nu_n'= 0 \\ \implies &T_1(a_1v_1 + \dots + a_rv_r) = 0 &&\text{apply $T_2$ and use $T_2v_k'=T_1v_k$} \\ \implies &a_1v_1 + \dots + a_rv_r = b_1u_1 + \dots + b_nu_n &&\text{as $a_1v_1+\dots+a_rv_r \in $ null $T_1$} \\ \implies &a_k = b_k = 0 &&\text{as $u_1,\dots,u_n,v_1,\dots,v_r$ is indep} \end{aligned}

Thus we've shown ak=0a_k = 0, meaning the original equation becomes c1u1++cnun=0c_1u_1' + \dots + c_nu_n' = 0
Which obviously implies ck=0c_k = 0 since u1,,unu_1',\dots,u_n' is a basis for null T2\text{null }T_2.

Define Suk=ukSu_k = u_k' and Svk=vkSv_k = v_k'. SS is clearly an isomorphism (with inverse S1uk=ukS^{-1}u_k' = u_k, S1vk=vkS^{-1}v_k' = v_k) as we're just moving from one basis of VV to another.
We have T1=T2ST_1 = T_2S because they agree on the basis vectors (T1uk=T2SukT_1u_k = T_2Su_k and T1vk=T2SvkT_1v_k = T_2Sv_k). This completes the forward direction.

Now suppose T1=T2ST_1 = T_2S. If w=T1vw = T_1v then w=T2(Sv)w = T_2(Sv) implying range T1range T2\text{range }T_1 \subseteq \text{range }T_2 likewise if w=T2vw = T_2v then w=T1(S1v)w = T_1(S^{-1}v) implying range T2range T1\text{range }T_2 \subseteq \text{range }T_1.

todo: diagram / graphic for the proof idea (what linear map looks like). also describe the general strategy of preranges, postnullspaces etc and how you construct them