Great day, got up at 8 & did my routine, practiced my italian for 30m then spent 3h reading chapter 2 of then spent an hour reviewing what I learned. the rest of the day I spent writing up solutions to (3h), improved my analysis a good bit, though I still feel like I'm extremely slow at solving exercises.
Stopped at 6, spent 6-8 chatting on the math discord and eating dinner
Euler2 was talking about his proof of the Jacobi triple product using quantum mechanics again, I wonder if I could understand if I dedicated a few days to it and asked him questions? It's above my level but levels aren't real anyway
He also talked about q-analogs which look really cool, basically it's a number system that carries more information with it, in normal math if you multiply the sides of a rectangle to get an area you've lost the information of the side lengths, while with these numbers you'd be able to go backwards. They're used in combinatorics apparently, another field I need to practice
Watched an hour of youtube, then journaled
Stayed on my computer till 11 (bad!) I'm supposed to get off at 10, but I was chatting on discord.
Overall spent ~8.5h studying, if you count the productive part of the math discord chatting then ~9h.
Short summary of the analysis things I learned for the mathy people out there (mostly I just got better at proofs I think hope)
- 6.2.6 (b): If are bounded and uniformly then is bounded (even if the are increasing bounded!)
- Examples of pointwise where each has countably many discontinuities but has uncountably many.
- That we can use a triple-triangle inequality to show In other words, when uniformly the behavior of is "basically" the same as .
- That if is uniformly continuous then converges uniformly to .