Analysis, Website Rewrite and LessWrong

Added 2022-03-28

Did 5 analysis exercises, Rewrote website generator in typescript, read some lesswrong.

Ok day time management wise, spent 4h 20m (nice) working on abbott solutions (did 5 exercises). I feel extremely dumb whenever I'm doing analysis, I need to spend a day studying to compress my knowledge into a more usable form.

After that somewhat depressing math I was a bit tired, I spent ~1h researching ways to rewrite my website (basically: procrastinating actually rewriting it). then spent 2h actually rewriting it, ill finish the rewrite tomorrow. it already feels much better in typescript with proper modules then the "one big commonjs file" I had before

Spent 1h eating dinner and chatting on discord, spent 1h updating my productivity hacks blog post, spent 1h talking on discord about the changes I made. then I spent an hour reading lesswrong blogs (yay! did this instead of youtube)

Interesting reads:

Once I finish my blog rewrite I've really gotta add subscriptions/notifications of some sort to my blog, since some people are actually reading it (crazy I know). If you're interested on getting notifications in the meantime you can join my discord.

Oh, last idea before bed: Review old journal post each day. This'll help with remembering my past goals/realizations/etc.