Finished website rewrite

Added 2022-03-30

Finished website rewrite, not much else

Ok day, diden't do the math I wanted to but did finish rewriting my website in typescript (it's much nicer now).

Got up at 8 and had to go to the chiropractor, finished by 9:30

Spent 50m reading abbott in the car while waiting for my dad, proud of myself for not wasting time.

Got home, spent 30m doing my morning routine (exercise, run, shower)

Spent 40m practicing my italian with the Michel Thomas audiotapes, they're really good! I'm glad I followed luke's advice and got them.

Spent an hour converting my website to typescript

Drove my brothers to the ymca, stayed there and did 2h coding in the car (good! last time I wasted time there)

30m Driving home

Spent another hour finishing the rewrite, fixed netlify proxy redirects. Now you can view directly!

Spent another hour trying to convert from rollup to tsc directly, got wierd module errors. Was a waste of time should have done something else.

Spent 1h 25m eating dinner and watching youtube, ate a ton of chips (bad!)

Spent 1h 30m watching anime (shikkakumon-no-saikyou-kenja). bad! hopefully this isn't the end of my productive streak, I did stop after 4 episodes though which is good.

Reviewing yesterday's journal it seems much better then today. That's okay! tomorrow I'll do math all day. Mostly analysis (and writing up), but maybe some linear algebra too since I haven't done it in awhile

This journal was badly written, This linear time breakdown copied directly from toggl is dumb. Oh well, tomorrow I'll do better.