Bad day, chips and anime

Added 2022-03-31

Barely managed 4h unfocused math :(

Kinda bad day. diden't have much energy and felt bad (probably from the chips yesterday). managed to do 4h of math (spread across the day) but it was mostly unfocused, at the end i managed some focused time but I only read a few sections and did very few exercises. felt dumb today

Spent about an hour procrastinating trying to learn tikz (for latex math diagrams). found which is cool, diden't really learn any tikz though. (i'll learn tikz when I need it for a big tex document) also spent around an hour setting up spellcheck and grammar checking in vim, basically procrastinating but at least it's a little productive.

Spent 1h helping someone with a tech support wifi problem, easy stuff but made me feel better about having a bad day (wow I have useful skills even if I feel like an idiot doing math sometimes)

Spent 30m on discord at 4-4:30, bad! I'm trying to maintain the habit of only going on discord after 6, did answer the question in #math well though, and shared the books I have downloaded with some friends (dm if you want the link, i'm not quite brave enough to post a giant collection of pirated books here lol)

Finally eating dinner, spent an hour. should have been 30m but I was watching anime, after I finished I watched 2h 30m anime and stayed up an hour past when I'm supposed to get off my computer (heck), anyway I finished the series so I won't be quite as tempted again, I'll also block ani-cli in my hosts to make it a i'l harder to start a new series.

Should have worked on my website after dinner, I need to rewrite the blog posts to be sorted by tag, possibly delete some bad ones and do a bunch of editing.

I realized yesterday I can read and comprehend math very fast if I don't do exercises, obviously this sacrifices deep understanding, but maybe fully reading a textbook, then building my understanding and finally doing exercises is the best bet?

That's a radical idea: What If I study a math textbook without doing exercises? (or just use the exercises as inspiration, only doing the interesting ones I think I'll learn from). I think this worked very well when I did it for axler duality and the day before yesterday when I did 8h math felt very productive. This deserves looking into

Goals for tomorrow: Rewrite website to tags, cleanup blog, etc (I expect to be tired after heart)