Axler and Unsong

Added 2022-04-05

Math didn't feel that productive. Unsong is great though

Spent a good amount of time doing math (7 hours). Wasn't very productive though I did finish most of 6A and read 6B (6B seems easy). Hopefully I can complete both 6B and 6C tomorrow. Moving on when stuck is smart (as long as I go back eventually).

Ate dinner away from my computer! That's good

Watched a Peter Sholze interview

Read Understanding Layout Algorithms. The path to CSS mastery is clear now, if I care to persue it.

Spent 3 hours reading unsong, great book! Also spent an hour on discord chatting about random garbage. Did have the idea of reading ahead in math where I learn theorems but don't do exercises. I think I can learn many branches of math this way since I typically get hung up at exercises (though obviously you don't "really" know it until you can solve problems using it)

Now it's 11:30, I should have gotten off my computer at 9 but I was loving unsong.

Since I want to change my sleep schedule to getting up at sunrise I'll use an alarm clock temporarily. Once I'm in the habit of falling asleep by 10 (I need to sleep alot) I can stop using the alarm.

Primary things I can improve:
