Tired, Only ~4.5h work

Added 2022-04-06

Unsong is so good it's messing up my sleep schedule!

Bad day, did 3h math most of 6A, 6B, 6C though theres some stuff left. Felt super tired

Spent 1h 30m messing with userscripts stuff, rewrote Shannon's automation script in typescript which is good.

Wasted a lot of time and felt tired, around an hour on discord before I was supposed to!

It's 10:15 which is late, I meant to go to bed by 9 but kept reading unsong. Found topwebfiction which is cool, might check those stories out if I want

Doing axler super fast is somewhat motivating, I'm going to spend 9-2 on my "primary textbook" (axler) from now on, and time after that however I want (e.g. Analysis, Lebesgue, Functional Analysis etc). Or work on automation.
