Amazing day, Read AIMA a ton. 13h work!!

Added 2022-04-17

Protagonist mode. Today I was more God then Monkey.

Amazing day, got up at 6 then spent all day working (even beyond when I normally quit!)

In total, I worked almost nonstop from 6am - 7:30pm. A total of ~13h productive work, why was I so productive, and how can I repeat this in future?

Also read TurnTrout's AIMA review which had some gold productivity advice, and introduced me to the technique of Murphyjitsu which I will now employ.

I'll dedicate some time tomorrow to read the whole Hammertime sequence. I need to learn rationality properly not by osmosis and slow experience.

Things I did bad: Stayed on my computer too long after dinner, It's 10pm now and I have to get up at 6. I meant to get off my computer at 8ish (or 9 at the latest). Oh well