Bad day, tired again

Added 2022-04-26

Read the C programming language a bit, it's a great book.

Bad day, got up at 8:00 and felt tired, spent 8:30-10:00 teaching Eruch reading. As I bribe I promised to play Minecraft with him for an equal amount of time to how much he studies with me. So I spent 10:00-11:30 playing with him.

Finally, did my "morning" routine at 11:30-12:30, setup functional analysis reading group (starting May 1st)

Spent ~1h doing hammertime day 2, Set up an accountability system for my sleep schedule

Spent 2pm-6:30pm reading "The C Programming Language", basically procrastinating other work I'm supposed to be doing, I did learn a lot of C though. It's a beautiful language in a wierd way, "portable assembly".