Good day, actually slept

Added 2022-04-27

Atlas application, eying infra-bayesianism. Some Probability.

Pretty good day, had energy because I actually slept

Spent 3h 30m working on my atlas fellowship application, almost done I'll finish it tomorrow

Spent 1h 20m learning about Infra-Bayesianism, I have some idea of what it's about now. This post is good, I'll have to finish it later (I read half)

Spent an hour doing probability (Jaynes). Learned how Taylor expanding the log of the binomial PMF can lead you to the normal distribution, and how taking logs turns normalizing constants into additive constants which cancel when you differentiate!

Spent an hour reading the AIMA Probability section, will read more tomorrow. I watched a talk on probabilistic programming and it seems cool, so I want to get to that part of the book.

Stuff I did bad: Did not exercise in the morning, will do so tomorrow, I'm thinking about moving my exercise time to 1pm (so I don't feel full, because of my eating schedule when I wake up I feel heavyish)