Bad day productivity wise, did hardly any work. Here's a summary
- 50m Probability Calibration (procrastinating finishing atlas)
- 3h 30m Functional Analysis, read most of what I assigned for the reading group
- 1h Learning C, implemented a hash table and started work on a preprocessor
- 1h 40m Wasted on discord having political arguments/discussions. I have to get back in the habit of not checking discord
- 3h 30m Finish Vivy's fluorite eye's song anime
Main things I'll do better:
- Get off computer early (8pm), I have so much reading to do, so many good books! I should be reading 2-3h/day
- No internet till 2, it doesn't help my productivity in any way (aim to spend 8-2 studying math/textbooks, then do programming, then do internet work)
- Do routine in the morning, I thought it might be better to postpone till I feel less bloated, but that was only an effect of eating too many chips etc.