
Added 2022-05-13

Played with GPT2 locally, read Bayesian methods for hackers but didn't make much progress. So tired.

Felt exhausted all day, got home at 11:30 last night from a party & got woken up by our cat at 5am.

Read a bit of a new (long) alignment research report on interpretability.

Messed around with ML and Huggingface for a while, turns out you can run GPT2-Large on a decent desktop PC. Made a funny ML meme bert-meme

Spent like 3h reading Bayesian methods for hackers and some other probability books. Barely learned a thing I was so tired

Ate dinner at 6:20, then watched YouTube and chatted on discord till 10:00pm. Should have gotten off much earlier

Main things I could do better: