Didn't do much today
- 2h 30m Functional analysis, had meetup today. Finished chapter 1 modulo some exercises
- Read The last paperclip a short story about a Clippy AI
- Found a cool TAS where someone solved an NES game via brute force.
- Did most of my Anki reviews that I was procrastinating on the last few days
- 1h reading "Street fighting Mathematics" the "easy cases" chapter. It's cool how you can mostly derive formulas just by considering easy cases and dimensional analysis.
- 2h Messing around with the brachistochrone problem. Made a desmos simulator. Will solve with trajectory optimization tomorrow. (I'm depressingly bad at physics/applied calculus. I need to practice both)
Things I could do better:
- Work outside. I felt really low-energy, going outside helped a lot. I was in the habit of working outside, but I had a few bad days and stopped. I'm going to start that again
- Get back to avoiding distractions religiously. Last few days I've been checking discord all day which is bad. I'm going to start keeping discord blocked till the afternoon.
Tomorrow I'm going to get back on track. Get up early, actually exercise, etc. I have so much stuff to do, a short list of the most pressing:
- Review pull requests on my abbott solutions repo
- Study functional analysis
- Solve brachistochrone via trajectory optimization and make cool demo (I want to do more applied stuff, I know so much theory...)
- Study Jaynes probability theory, update my study guide
- Read Biology books and generally learn stuff from here
- Practice memory techniques more. I want to memorize lots of facts for Fermi estimation
- Read all the great nonfiction books I have downloaded. I should be reading ~1 book/wk and ~1 textbook/month