Ok day, wasted a lot of time though, here's what I got done
- 3h ESPR puzzle, I think I found a foothold and should be able to solve it soon
- 1h Algebra chap0 studying, I understand universal properties a bit better now
- 2h Reading misc books
- 35min Meditate about my goals, was kinda a waste - studying math and CS is still instrumentally convergent
- 1h 20min Review Abbott PR (first time using latex on GitHub!)
- Chat with Koala about category theory on discord
- Spent 20min on discord in the morning, will keep it blocked in future
- Spent 35min packing for trip, should have postponed till after I did my math like I had on my schedule
- Wasted 2h on YouTube (bad!! Should be reading instead, should get off computer earlier)
How I'll do better:
- Don't check discord in the morning, keep it blocked
- Don't watch YouTube after dinner, do 1h discord max then get off and read (spend 8-10 reading)
- Do the most important thing (TM). e.g. math, CS, ML stuff until 6pm (today I derailed by packing early, then reading some low-priority books)