ELK, Shard theory

Added 2022-07-03

Shard theory looks promising, Owntracks is evil. Decided to do my morning routine every day, even if I get up late.

Got up at 10am (went to bed at midnight) and only started work by 12. I decided recently to do my morning routine every day even if I get up late (normally I would skip stuff to catch up). Anyway, 12 - 2:20 I thought about ELK and read about shard theory, talked with Luke B a bit about shard theory. It's really cool and seems like a promising alignment research direction!

After that I spent an hour looking into and brainstorming the EA cause exploration prizes (causeexplorationprizes.com). Best idea I had was marketing EA to pre-career GenZ'ers (and others) on TikTok. (not necessarily a good idea, but the only one I had...)

Spent two hours setting up Owntracks for sharing locations between fellows. To get it working well I'll have to code up an annoying webapp to glue discord, MQTT and owntracks together. James suggested a simple solution (have discord roles for every state, and a locations channel where you can say stuff like "I'm going to be in @SC for the weekend") which gets most of the value for none of the technical complexity. I'll likely do this instead.

Ate dinner, wasted an hour watching youtube, spent an hour helping a friend set up a blog.

Today I'm going to bed early, I'm trying not to use an alarm clock as I think it's healthier this way, but correcting your sleep schedule by going to bed earlier is hard :)

Overall spent 67% of my waking hours working (yes I track this), if I hadn't watched any youtube this would be 76%. Hoping to improve this, also will add uli productivity metrics and graphs to my website at some point.