ELK, Strangers Drowning

Added 2022-07-09

Ok day, haven't been wasting time but haven't been super productive either.

Good day, last few days have been very productive in terms of not wasting time, though I can still do better at actually finishing todos.

Got up at 7:30, did my routine, had to spend an hour getting medicine for a rash I developed. Started work by 10:40 (would have been 10 with no time wasted).

Spent 2 hours drafting my ELK proposal, If I execute this well I think I'll win a prize. Spent 20 mins doing functional analysis, took a 1h 40min nap, read strangers drowning for 3 hours.

Strangers drowning is an amazing book, I cried multiple times while reading it and love the explanation of EA ideas.

Ate dinner, setup basic discord oauth for a project (show people's locations on a map, per discord server) and talked with people on the math discord for 1h 30min.

It's 10pm now, I'm going to actually get off my computer early today :)

EDIT: Ended up talking on discord till 12. lol, lmao. (was productive, but I should really go to sleep instead of staying up late talking research with people)