Ok day, ELK

Added 2022-07-13

4.5h ELK, functional analysis, docations, reviewed tesla financials.

note: this was written on discord then pasted here, if you're confused at some stuff

okay day, worked on ELK and alignment stuff a good amount (4.5h), talked with Luke, drafted a new ELK proposal and started drafting a post on aligning Clippy (see #puzzles-and-problems, turning everyone into paperclips is harder then you'd think). once the aligning Clippy post is done it'll basically be shard theory marketing, since imo shard theory gives you the right frame to think about it.

spent a few hours in the morning doing functional analysis, felt really stupid and kinda slugish, covered like 1 section without exercises, perhaps if I'd taken breaks and done jumping jacks I'd be in a better state of mind and could go faster.

fixed a few problems with https://loc.uli.rocks and opensourced it, despite the code being ugly https://github.com/UlisseMini/docations. tomorrow I'll add location-randomization for privacy.

spent 30min reviewing Tesla's financials, yesterday I was reading about commitment and consistency biases (after you commit to a decision you feel it was a good one, e.g. after betting on a horse bettors had hugely increased confidence in their bet) so I'm spending some effort correcting for that