The last week hasn't been good. I've been working ~6h/day average. I believe this has a few primary causes, listed below with brainstorming
- I haven't been feeling as guilty after wasting time. This was purposeful, I wanted to try out So8res's method of guilt-free motivation
- Re-read key parts of replacing guilt, do visualization exercises
- Update from the suckerpunch appears to have been my problem, I removed all guilt, instead of only removing unproductive/listless guilt.
- If that doesn't work return to guilt-based motivation where I feel terrible after wasting more than an hour
- Trick for this: Mental contrasting between productive hour and wasted hour, and imagine children dying.
- Re-read key parts of replacing guilt, do visualization exercises
- Parents breaking up, leading to stress, and a few more chores
- Give dad noise-cancelling headphones to reduce stress
- Study in the living room, then my dad can go somewhere else without having to watch the kids
- Not having a Primary Measurable Task. When I was hard studying Analysis and Linear Algebra I had goals for every day and every month. Last few days I haven't had specific goals that build on each other, just one-time tasks like "study X for an hour."
- Finish chemistry and biology books (1 week; short term)
- Intensely study the Deep learning book, finish by my birthday (Oct 23d). See details below
Deep learning book
Time to try-hard something again. My plan is to spend ~30 hours/wk going through the deep learning book. I have 90 days starting tomorrow, assuming ~30 will be unavailable for some reason or other (10 for ESPR, 20 for random stuff and procrastination.) that means I have to read 10 pages/day or one section/day for every work day. Alternatively I have to read one section every 4.5 days.
- Read in the mornings, make Anki cards (and delete bad old cards!)
- Summarize what I've learned in my journal and optionally write code
- Aim for one at least blog post on interesting ML stuff per week.