Main good thing today: Getting better at meditation! For a period of 5-10mins of my meditation I didn't want to stop, I was feeling at peace.
Had to pack my bags, listened to ML street talk while packing. epiphany: ReLU is piecewise linear, meaning neural networks are piecewise linear! There's a paper going into more details here, when I want to understand deep learning (and interpretability) I'll look into this.
Tried to write outline to a calculus course, kept bouncing off. Perhaps I should go through more iterations / guinea pigs first? I need to update the calculus-done-right website sometime if I'm going to do this. Replace the site with a syllabus.
Read calculus made easy for an hour, the first 3 chapters are exceptional, though I take issue with how some things are done. Deriving the quotient rule using algebraic division sucks compared to using the product rule