Italy Travel

Added 2022-08-02

Airplane food considered harmful, sweets are poison not food

Watched weathering with you on the plane and practiced some tensor calculus while half asleep.

I had stomach aches after the transatlantic flight, probably caused by airplane food and pressure changes. On my next flight I'll try fasting, stomach pains seem less likely if you're empty.

Also ate a yogurt and sugary breadstick. I've got to start viewing all sugary food as poison not food, since I'm obliged to finish food that's given to me.

In Italy I'll be eating sugary foods, I'll try to minimize it though. Pizza/Pasta/Scachatta are plenty good, and are much closer to real food than sweets. I don't even enjoy sweet food that much!

Swiss chocolate is awesome though, we were given some on our Zurich to Florence flight. I'm rambling now.