Things I did
- 30min Lots of Exercise
- 25min Meditating in the morning. Relaxing made it more effective, I was overfocusing before. (Joy on demand talks about this)
- 1h Reading Joy On Demand. Decided to start many micro-habits. noticing various things like joy, the end of a thought, etc.
- 30min Cleaned my desk and room a bit
- 1h Ported journals to my new website
- 2h Wrote a blog post about self-alignment, took way too long because I was getting blocked writing the "winning at life" post (a successor to my previous productivity post.) Will take breaks more in future, I was feeling tired and could have felt better had I exercised.
- Talked on discord with ESPR friends for 2h 40min
- Signed up to prepscholar, took the assessment test. I really hate SAT questions.
- Watched an hour of youtube, specifically entrepreneur videos
- Millionaire goes homeless to prove anyone can make it
- Paralyzed neck down makes 10M to pay for his medical bills
- The Action Plan (by the same guy as in (1))
- A few others that were less good but still interesting. Found Emergency by neil strauss, downloaded it and some other books.
- A few Shinzen Young Videos Quick route to enlightenment and his experience with enlightenment. I might try strong determination sitting, it sounds like what scientology had lukeprog do.
Overall wasted ~30min in the morning checking texts and procrastinating on exercise. "Wasted" 2h 40min talking with friends, 1h on Youtube.
It's 11pm now, shuting off. I want to start going to bed earlier so I can have time to myself while doing my routine.
I'm going to try meditating an hour tomorrow, In 20min blocks. First standard mindfulness, then noticing endings, then loving-kindness.