Ok day, Website and Bio

Added 2022-07-28

Worked on website, did some Biology. General knowledge and improving my website are important to me.

Fell asleep while meditating in the morning, wasted ~1h 30min though this is an alarm bell for not getting enough sleep. Finished my routine at 11am and only started work then.

A few days ago I wrote the Actual Stuff I want (TM) on my whiteboard, main things I want to work on

Improving at machine learning is still important, just not enough to warrant a single-minded dedication. In retrospect the three days I spent single-mindedly on ML were out of fear. Fear of goal complexity. I need to flow through my tasks in order of priority. Escaping into single-minded simplicity isn't a good option.

Anyway, things I did for my website

For Biology I spent an hour reading The Cartoon Guide to Biology. I'm happy I could understand the chemistry relatively easily, I want to get better at chemistry too though. The intersection between ML and sciences like Bio and Chem will only get bigger, and I need to be able to understand the risks posed from new research, like all the implications of solving protein folding.

I also want improved general knowledge to avoid embarrassing myself when conversations move away from Math, Coding and AI...

Things I could do better: